Enough For Today
Dance rehearsals can go on past midnight, but this time I stopped at ten. "I hope you don't mind," I said, looking up into space, "but that's enough for today." A voice from the control room spoke. "You okay?"
"A little tired, I guess," I said.
I slipped on a windbreaker and headed down the hall. Running footsteps came up behind me. I was pretty sure who they belonged to. "I know you too well," she said, catching up with me. "What's really wrong?"
I hesitated. "Well, I don't know how this sounds, but I saw a picture today in the papers. A dolphin had drowned in a fishing net. From the way its body was tangled in the lines, you could read so much agony. Its eyes were vacant, yet there was still that smile, the one dolphins never lose, even when they die..." My voice trailed off.
She put her hand lightly in mine. "I know, I know."
"No, you don't know all of it yet. It's not just that I felt sad, or had to face the fact that an innocent being had died. Dolphins love to dance -- of all the creatures in the sea, that's their mark. Asking nothing from us, they cavort in the waves while we marvel. They race ahead of ships, not to get there first but to tell us, 'It's all meant to be play. Keep to your course, but dance while you do it.' "So there I was, in the middle of rehearsal, and I thought, 'They're killing a dance.' And then it seemed only right to stop. I can't keep the dance from being killed, but at least I can pause in memory, as one dancer to another. Does that make any sense?"
Her eyes were tender. "Sure, in its way. Probably we'll wait years before everyone agrees on how to solve this thing. So many interests are involved. But it's too frustrating waiting for improvements tomorrow. Your heart wanted to have its say now."
"Yes," I said, pushing the door open for her. "I just had this feeling, and that's enough for today."
Excerpt from "Dancing the Dream - Poems and Reflections" © 1992 by Michael Jackson
As we all know Michael Jackson very much cared about the planet and all the animals that God created for it.
Be it coincidence or not this year when MJ was honored at the Oscar awards, a movie was winning "Best Feature Documentary" award that we all should acknowledge.
It is called "The Cove" and is about the killing of dolphins in a cove in Japan. I haven't yet seen the movie myself and it will take a lot of energy for me to do so as seeing pictures like these make me feel like watching someone killing a family member.
But nevertheless this cause is to be supported and on the movie website you can read how to take action. Please do!
Please sign the petition "Stop the Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji, Japan" http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/stop-the-dolphin-slaughter/
"They who?? It starts with us. It's US! Or else it'll never be done... Let's take care of the planet!"
- Michael Jackson
Addition 2010/04/01:
Please sign petion against killing of whales and dolphins here:
Join FB group "I bet we can find 1,000,000 people who want Japan to stop killing whales" here:
Addition 2010/09/05
Please sign the petition "Stop the Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji, Japan" http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/stop-the-dolphin-slaughter/
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