This past week, there was a global outpouring of support for Michael Jackson, his family and all those who love him.
Michael deserves justice, as any human being does. In addition, Michael was ordained for a purpose higher than his critics and naysayers can bear to comprehend.
On Michael’s birthday in August, I had the pleasure of attending a retrospective, by a doctoral student, one that discussed how the Jacksons album “Destiny” was prophetic, in terms of Michael’s life and his eventual passing. If you have not listened, its highly recommended. Songs of special note include “Destiny,” “Push Me Away, ““The Things I do for You.”
The graduate student’s presentation was impressive. He returned to a local college recently during Black History Month festivities. Now, space is very hard to find for these kinds of presentations, especially on short notice. A place was secured on February 25, 2010, 8 months to the day of Michael’s passing.
If you observe the cover of “Destiny,” there are visual representations of this. Look at the letter Y. Its in the 7th position. The same "pecking order" (rather than birth order, as my friend @doublebeee wisely reminded me). The Y props up the long and heavy T, which imitates a cross to bear. In the picture, Michael is positioned closest to the letter Y. The red in the photograph, the rough waters represent his torment; however, the water also represents a cleansing of all of this once he reaches his Destiny.
We want justice for Michael and seeking it serves his higher purpose.
We commit to fighting until Michael’s VISION is recognized… a healed world… full of love and compassion.
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