I said to my Tsunamis this morning, "We are each wearing something red today to honour a little boy called Daniel."
"Daniel from school?" Cappers asked.
"No, this is a Daniel we never met, but his family need our support today and they like the colour red."
"Will Daniel know we're wearing red?"
"No, Daniel won't know. No one will really know, except for us and maybe for other people wearing red. But it matters anyway."
"Why does it matter? Who is Daniel?" Maxi asked.
I thought for a while. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage this one. "Daniel is a little boy who died when he shouldn't have died," I finally said.
"How did he die?" Maxi wanted to know.
"He died near a road," I answered.
"Did he forget to look before he crossed the road?"
"Yes," I answered simply. "He must have forgotten to look."
And some things we will never see, no matter how hard we look. They strike out of nowhere for no reason, for no good and we cannot see them coming.
Yes, we are each wearing something red today to honour a little boy called Daniel.
[Image via weheartit]
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