I'm a big talker; love, love, love a chat. It's one of the reasons why I'm such a big commenter on your blog. Chatterbox = Commenter = true. Some days I visit and don't have time for comments... but there is something that I think would help me out greatly.
On Blogger blogs, you can change the way your comment box works. Instead of having the comments 'embedded below post', you can have a pop-up box appear.
Why is this helpful?
Well, it simply means that when we comment, the word verification is right there. We leave a comment, do the word veri and hit 'Publish Your Comment' and we're done. If you haven't got a separate pop-up box, we comment, we hit Publish, we wait for your whole blog site to reload and then we do the word veri and then we hit Publish again... hmmmm... takes a lot more time and it's lots of extra page loads to be dealing with. You can still view the comments embedded after your post anytime you click on the actual post.
So, in my dream blogland, we would all go to 'Settings' and then 'Comments' and then change our 'Comment form placement' setting to 'Pop-up window'.
That is my wish.*
* Of course I have much more important wishes to wish than just this little wish. Like, I also wish that world hunger did not exist, that wars were only part of history books and that I had Sienna Miller's wardrobe, but I thought I would start small and build up from there...
[Image via weheartit... please let me know if it is yours.]
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