I mentioned yesterday that I'm not organising any Christmas parties this year, but in actual fact I have two non-Christmas parties on the go as I write. The Kinder 2010 Twilight BBQ - a bit of a 'farewell to Kindergarten' to be held after school at a cool park on 10 December. And the Kinder 2011 Welcome Lunch, where we welcome the new Kindy parents to our school next year. I just happen to be both a Kinder 2010 mum AAAAND a Kinder 2011 mum... so I was a natural fit for running the show (apparently). I'll keep you posted on both these gigs and in the meantime...
This week I'm grateful for...
1. Stationery - it allows me to think things through, put them in order, make lists, wrap gifts, compartmentalise stuff and weirdly feel happy just looking at it. I can't help myself, I love the stuff.
2. Savignon Blanc - and her sweet sister Chardonnay. Sometimes that Friday night glass of wine is all you've got going for you all week.
3. Muffins - so easy to make... so easy to eat.
So, what's making you smile today? Grab my Grateful button from my sidebar if you like (see, over there to the right), add your Grateful post below and add a link back to me in your post. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine. No hurry - we're all about laaaaazy Saturdays. Link is open all week. Happy day to you!
[Image from Little Jane Street]
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