Today is a great day for all of Michael Jackson's fans all over the world because finally Michael Jackson´s name was uncovered from the Gardner Street Elementary School Auditorium in Hollywood. After fifteen years having the name covered thank to the efforts of the Uncover MJ's name team and lots and lots of fans who dedicated time to wrote mails asking for the name to be uncovered, today it is. The It´s all for love blog team would like to congrats and say thank you to the Uncover MJ's name team for their hard work, for never giving up, and for believe that everything is possible. Also wants to say thank to Jodi Gomes and Mrs. Katherine Jackson because they also made this possible, by taking the time to know about the cause and to work side by side with the Uncover MJ's name team. And we can't forget to say a big THANK YOU! to all the fans who also made that this incredible moment happened, those fans who always being there by re tweeting something on twitter, or by posting something on their facebook walls, or by signing petitions and writing letters and e-mails talking about the cause, but not just this cause but lots of more causes that I'm sure in due time will reach the goal we're seeking. Today we've to be proud of what all of us made, working together, side by side.
I'm sure Michael is proud of us, their fans. He's celebrating in heaven, doing his dances and smiling with that big, bright and beautiful smile that only he has. But most of all I'm sure that today Michael can be sure that he has the best fans in the world. Fans who love him with an incredible passion, that support him in everything he wanted to do, fans who are loyal to him and his beliefs, and fans that now that he's in heaven will continue to make him more alive than never by keeping his legacy intact and trying to make the world a better place.
Today one of our missions were accomplished, but there's many more that we've to work together to make them come true. And if you allow me I'd like to close this by quoting something that Michael Jackson said in one of his songs:
Today we did it, may let us to make this many more times and I'm sure we'll succeed in everything we want to accomplish.
You have the opportunity to read the statements made by LAUSD and MRS. KAtherine Jackson through Taj Jackson twitter account.
Statement made by Katherine Jackson.
Statement made by LAUSD:
Today more than ever:
L.O.V.E !
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