On Thursday, May 27, Volcano Payca erupted, raining ash on Guatemala City, Antigua and Escuintla. The main international airport of the country, Guatemala City, was closed.
On Saturday, Tropical Storm Agatha rained down on Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, killing hundreds (death toll still rising as remote villages are accessed) leaving hundreds unaccounted for, and dislocating hundreds of thousands.
Not too surprisingly, an international disaster of this magnitude has received minimal international coverage. The countries of the third world, and its struggles, and those of its people - women, children, are often ignored.
Please take a moment to reflect and find some small way to help. More information on how you can help will be forthcoming, as soon as its located. This has been a struggle too.
Women, children, and families, "the least of us" who struggle for survival have probably lost what they have, BUT..they are surely a great reminder of the divinity within the "least of us" and another supernatural attack on the war on materialism, and the call for all of us to L.O.V.E.
A summary of the events are included in this article.
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