[Image: Revoluzzza]
I know, I know - who has the time, right? I think it's my working mother guilt that compels me to hand make everything. No child of mine is going to miss out on a SAHM experience just because their mum, well, isn't a SAHM... And usually I find a pattern for something fun to make and then I very carefully put it on my pile of 'craft projects I will never make'. But not this time.
So here's the link to the monster softies pattern and tutorial (you can modify it to suit your monstery preferences). This site is pretty cool for making stuff in general.
And while I was on the kids' crafty subject, I thought I'd share a link to Kids' Craft Weekly, a fantastic website that inspires me to be a better hands-on mumma every day. Editorial note: I have never actually made anything either with the children or solo from this very inspirational site.
You see, to me, having children IS the craft project. Growing them, helping them and loving them (even when they're naughty). It all requires considerable creativity, motivation, application and skill. It's like life's biggest craft project that I'm just not allowed to half-finish like that scarf I started knitting back in 2003.
I'll post a photo of the monsters - just so you know I finished them.
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